長效改善膚質雙效緊緻 膠原再生1* 2†

源自於全球醫美領導廠商 Allergan Aesthetics,全新 HArmonyCaTM 美神針是系內首個雙效醫美療程, 亦與 Juvéderm® 喬雅登® 同屬旗下高端醫美療程品牌。HArmonyCaTM美神針透過嶄新科技高端結合透明質酸及 CaHA3的雙效優點, 即現拉提緊緻1*,並刺激膠原持續自生2†, 以獨特的「C-shape拉提」帶來革新三重效果,全面還原初生緊緻!

HArmonyCaTM美神針TM 特點

HarmonyCA-feature 1


  1. 即見效果更滿意1,4*§‡,
  2. 重啟膠原再生力2,5,6†,
  3. 重構細密肌底結構6,7^


HarmonyCA - feature 2

HArmonyCaTM美神針TM 兩步認清 原廠正貨

認清 HArmonyCaTM美神針TM 產品外盒上已貼上防偽鐳射標籤。由原廠 Allergan Aesthetics 提供的 HArmonyCaTM美神針TM香港原廠正貨由生產、包裝、儲存至運輸,皆均受嚴格監控,確保符合指定程序及規格。

療程前先查證每半年由廠商 Allergan Aesthetics 授予醫療中心的 HArmonyCaTM美神針TM 原廠供應證書。確保讓擁有認可資格的專業醫生為你進行療程,獲得最全面的保障!


  • 療程後 12 小時內避免化妝
  • 療程後 24 小時內避免劇烈運動
  • 療程後 24 小時內避免暴露在陽光和紫外線下或處於極端氣溫的環境
  • 療程後 24 小時內可使用冰袋或冷敷
  • 如出現結節,請按摩療程位置

References: 1. HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.

*Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCaTMwith results demonstrated over 12 weeks. †

Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCaTMwith results demonstrated over 8 weeks.

2 §Performance evaluation of the late follow up cohort, using the 5-point Likert Scale User Satisfaction Questionnaire.
4 ‡A post marketing clinical follow up of safety and performance of HArmonyCaTM(N=162).
4 ^Extracellular matrix components such as proteoglycans and elastin.
7References: 1. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCaTM
Lidocaine INT-HAR-2150036. Lift capacity. July 2021; 2. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCaTM
Lidocaine INT-HAR-2150040. Collagen stimulation. July 2021; 3. HArmonyCaTM
IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021; 4. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCaTM

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